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Content Writer, Motivational Speaker and YouTuber

The Dos and Don'ts of Parenting - Common Mistakes to Avoid for a Happy Family

The Dos and Don’ts of Parenting – Common Mistakes to Avoid for a Happy Family

The Dos and Don’ts of Parenting – Common Mistakes to Avoid for a Happy Family Introduction Parenting is one of the most important responsibilities in life. Every parent wants to raise happy, healthy, and well-adjusted children. However, it’s not always easy to know the right path to take. In this essay, we will discuss the …

The Dos and Don’ts of Parenting – Common Mistakes to Avoid for a Happy Family Read More »

10 key ingredients for a successful long-term relationship

10 key ingredients for a successful long-term relationship

10 Key ingredients for a successful long-term relationship Don’t we all want to grow old together? Investing so much energy, time and emotions into a relationship which might crumble is heart breaking and devastating to anyone. A successful long-term relationship is a mutually satisfying and enduring connection between two people, characterized by trust, respect, communication, …

10 key ingredients for a successful long-term relationship Read More »

A Classic Story of The Buddha and Beggar

A Classic Story of The Buddha and the Beggar

A Classic Story of the Buddha and the Beggar Once upon a time, there existed a beggar who diligently endeavoured to procure food. Alas, he noticed that his meagre provisions vanished without fail each day. One fateful day, he successfully captured the bold mouse that persistently stole his food. He questioned the little thief, “Pray …

A Classic Story of The Buddha and the Beggar Read More »