Today we are bombarded with a lot of information on the internet and it makes it difficult for us to decide what is important and what is to be left out. As a new parent, you are also definitely multitasking with your work, house chores and now the baby to be born. Here’s a top 10 list, out of my own experience and perspective, which you will need to keep ready before the baby lands in your hands.
1. Diapers
This is one of the most important things you need to buy for your new born baby. You may choose between disposable or cloth diapers depending on your preference. It’s important to have a stock of diapers ready before your baby arrives.
2. Baby Wipes
These are essential for keeping your baby clean and fresh. You can purchase baby wipes in bulk as they tend to run out quickly.
3. Baby Clothes
Your baby will need several changes of clothes throughout the day. Make sure you have a good supply of onesies, sleepers, and socks in various sizes. (Oh! Don’t you agree these clothes are so cute) It’s also a good idea to have some receiving blankets handy.
4. Crib and Mattress
Your baby will spend a lot of time sleeping, so it’s important to invest in a safe and comfortable crib and mattress. Make sure the crib meets safety standards and is free from any hazards.
5. Baby Carrier
A baby carrier is a great way to keep your baby close and comfortable while you go about your day. There are many types of baby carriers available, including wraps, slings, and structured carriers. Do a little research and buy the one that would be most comfortable for you and your baby.
6. Breast Pump
This is a great investment if you are a single or working mother. It allows you to pump and store milk for your baby, making it easier to feed your baby when you’re away.
7. Bottles and Formula
If you plan on bottle-feeding your baby, make sure you have a good supply of bottles and formula simply known as baby milk. It’s also important to have a bottle sterilizer to keep the bottles clean.
8. Diaper Bag
I’m guessing you’ll need to take your baby out at times with you and hence a diaper bag is a must-have for any new parent. It allows you to carry all the essentials for your baby when you’re out and about.
9. Baby Bath Tub
Your baby will need regular baths, so spending on a baby bath tub is a great idea. Make sure the tub is safe and comfortable for your baby.
10. Baby Monitor
One may not be able to spend every second in close proximity with the new-born baby and so having a baby monitor will allow you to keep an eye on your baby while they sleep. There are many types of baby monitors available, including audio, video, and movement monitors. Please ask the doctor first before investing in one.
There are many things you need to consider when preparing for the arrival of your new born baby. However, with these top ten items, you can ensure that you are well-prepared for your baby’s arrival. Remember to do your own research too and invest in quality products for which you will need to spend a bit more but it’ll ensure your baby’s safety and comfort.
Parenting can be tough if it’s your first experience at it. If you’re interesting in knowing how to survive the first year of parenting, click here.